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Holiday Toy Program 2011

by Mike Quinn

Once again we’ve finished the year with another successful Holiday Toy Program. As a result of your generous efforts we donated over 1800 toys to organizations who distributed them to needy children at Christmastime. The actual final number of toys donated was 1820, very close to last year’s record total of 1830.

Because of the tremendous output of our toymakers we were able to extend our giving to more organizations this year. In addition to our old standbys – Salvation Army, St. Vincent’s Family Center, Gladden Community House, Alpha Athletic Club and Kids n’ Kamp – we also made toy donations to Fisher House at Wright Patterson AFB and to the NBC4/Firefighters for Kids Toy Drive. To experience the warm gratitude of the recipients of our toys is one of the great benefits of being involved with this program.

The following Club members made toys this year:

Marion Ackerman Gordon Correia Mary Kay Marsh Mike Quinn Jim Shaffer
Chris Amatos Wayne Cuthbert Mike McIntee Tom Quertinmont Mike Simpson
Ben Bennett Ivan Dangler Dan McIver Ed Razler Larry Smith
Gary Bogart Bob Engle Bill Miller Ed Robold Dan Strohecker
Les Brinkley Leon Gage Bob Morrison Keith Rogers Mike Totsch
Chuck Carrana Lou Gatch Chuck Murray Glen Rudie Jim Walters
Dave Chenault Ron Grady Rich Peterson Steve Sattler Rosie Wendt
Bob Cole John Herrel Ross Petitto Aaron Seipel Don Wenzlik

Thanks to all of you for your tremendous efforts in 2011!

Now, it’s not too early to begin thinking about what toys YOU will make this year. In spite of our near record output, only about 40 members participated, well down from the 59 who participated last year. The Holiday Toy Program is one of the signature community service projects of our Club and for it to be sustaining we must always be getting more and new people involved. If you’ve made toys in the past and couldn’t do it this year for whatever reason, please consider helping out again in 2012. If you’ve never made toys or are a new member who doesn’t quite know how to get started we’d be happy to help by providing plans, instructions, or getting you connected with a toymaking group. Contact Dan Strohecker or myself for more information.

>For more pictures and information about WOCO members making holiday toys, Click Here.