Chuck retired from the U.S. Army in November 1988 with 33 years of Active Service; awarded the Legion of Merit, two Bronze Star Medals, three Meritorious Service Medals, Vietnamese Honor Medal First Class, and many other military decorations. Retired from the Veterans Administration in 1999. Retired from the electronic section of Sam’s Club in August 2013 after 13 years. Boy Scouts of America active leader with troops in the US and Europe from 1972 to 1998; Retired Enlisted Association; American Legion Post 239, Worthington, OH; Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2398, Worthington, OH; Disabled American Veterans Post 144; National Association of Federal Retired Employees Chapter 235; Honor Flight Columbus Guardian for 56 flights since 2007; Woodworkers of Central Ohio officer and member in charge of the annual ‘toy program’; Central Ohio Wood Turners member; Central Ohio Furniture Bank volunteer, part of woodworker team building four drawer dressers for distribution; long time member of Worthington Squares Square Dance Club; past long time Officer of Brookside Civic Association.